‪(404) 491-9188‬ [email protected]

Career Listings

Select Your Career

We’ll Be There Every Step of the Way

Flawless solutions core values are key to our hiring process. We try our best to help and train our members and employees to find the career that fuels their passions. This is easier said than done but attainable by the right training and focus. Our team leaders and coaches will show you the processes via group video chats or conference calls, etc. We will always be open to new ideas and solutions to help people become more successful than they would ever hope or dream.


Submit Application

Apply for the positions you think work best for you and review our core values and make sure they support your values. In this time please review all Pre-Training media and ask any questions.


Meet the Coaches

Meet Project Managers and Coordinators via video/voice chat. After a few Interviews you will be selected by one of the Project Managers for team placement.


Complete Training

Finishing pre and basic training’s all team members are required to understand the process and protocols. All must have a clear understanding on their job duties, tasks and commissions.


Commission Trail

Start working on projects. Projects commissions vary and will be dependent upon the level of assistance you find yourself needing from your coaches or coordinators during the process. Commission time frames are vary depending on the scope of the project.

Featured Career Opportunities

Sales Associate

1% – 10% Commission – Work from anywhere.

Find a niche and solve problems with one of our provided technology solutions. Sell and make a difference by supplying businesses with service and product solutions. In the process learn from other team members and network with small and big business brands.

Account Representative

1% – 20% Commission – Work from anywhere.

Work with brands and businesses. Help businesses develop content and build brand value. Work with Front End Web Developers and Sales Associates to provide professional services.

Front End Web Developer

1% – 30% Commission – Work from anywhere.

Develop front-end web content and graphics for businesses. Work with an Account Representative and start processing project task requests. Learn more about being a Back End Web Developer and having the support you need to complete tasks efficiently.

Back End Web Developer

1% – 40% Commission – Work from anywhere and develop custom software.

Build something great with great programmers. Be selected to be an integral part of helping businesses grow. Create custom software and systems. Coach and train Front End Web Developers.

Project Coordinator

EARN UP TO 5% Commission – Work from anywhere and Coordinate a small number of Projects.

Help teams manage and setup projects. Make a profit off of commissions from the projects your teams complete or get paid by the hour. Coach and train new team members virtually. Learn how to become a Project Manager and coach other Project Coordinators. Must possess the skills of a Sales Associate, Account Representative and, Front-End Web Developer in order to coordinate teams properly.

Project Manager

EARN UP TO 5% Commission – Manage a fair amount of Projects.

Manage, setup and manage teams. Make a profit off of commissions from the projects your teams complete. Make sure the teams have everything they need virtually via our file sharing system. Train and coach team members. Must possess the skills of a Sales Associate, Account Representative, Front End Web Developer, Project Coordinator and, in order to manage teams properly.

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For Your Technology Consulting Solutions

Flawless Solutions is your new go-to for technology and technical consulting. Our purpose is to bridge the gap between technology and it’s maintenance and configurations. From products to websites to remote support, we have had you covered for any and all of your technological needs.

Technology Products

Our product line up features new and refurbished technology ranging from computers to cables and accessories. We encourage you to browse with us, considering we also provide you with support and maintenance versus just a product.

Technology Services

We specialize in three areas: Web development, marketing material, and technical support. Some clients use these services individually while other combine services to meet high demands. With so many options to choose from, we're sure to have business solutions for you.

Our Technology History

CEO/FOUNDER Jasen Crockett started as an IT at the age of 16. Under the establishment of his mother, a business consultant, real estate agent, mortgage broker and, accountant, he began "Flawless Solutions". The company was started as a means to develop efficient computer systems and software for maintaining the enormous amount of technical/background tasks that help organizations operate. In 20+ years of coding, web development, and business consulting, "Flawless Solutions" has been involved in an assortment of organizations including police stations, vehicle dealerships, event promoters, cleaning companies, and many other entrepreneurial ventures. The company was designed to work seamlessly with large corporations, non-profits and even entrepreneurs who don't know where to start.

Contact Us

Flawless Solutions typically is one of the most affordable options when it comes to website development, marketing material, and technical support. Let us assist you in finding your perfect solution for your business or organization today! Please visit our Contact Us page for contact information.