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Website Solutions

Do you have a website that could use more appeal? Does your website work on mobile devices? Are you looking to increase your website traffic? Would you like help to cross the learning curve from having a website created to manage your own website? Are you in need of a website in general?

You have arrived at your one-stop shop for website needs! At Flawless Solutions, we aim to be a long-term solution. With that being said, we offer 12 website development options so that we are a solution for all.

Versatile Layout Options


If you are distributing a good or service, we encourage you to explore some of the website layouts with shipping and payment information available for your consumers.

Search Engine Optimization

We have great developers and publishers that work to boost your SEO performance. With our help, we can provide solutions to move your business in the right direction. A great website with good SEO will surely bring more consumers to your sight, resulting in growth and value to your investments.

Easy Does It

Everyone is different. Some clients and consumers prefer simple, short, and straight-to-the-point websites. We can create simple designs that appeal to the eye while organizing content in fashions with an easy flow.


Business is going great! Or maybe you’re ready for the first step in your business! Congratulations! The first step in launching your website is purchasing a domain that you favor. Flawless Solutions will first work with you to ensure you have a domain or assist you in purchasing one for a small fee (not paid to Flawless Solutions). Your domain, also known as a DNS (Domain Name System) is the name your consumers will type in the URL to be directed to your website. Some domain names will be taken, others may not, but we can help you find one!


Website hosts are companies that serve and maintain files for one or more different websites. Metaphorically, a host is similar to a house or office you might rent. It’s merely space, but it is up to you to fill it with content (with creating a website). Maintaining a website can be a busy task, so it’s important to remember to pay on time to prevent your website from going down. If you do not have a host for your potential website already, Flawless Solutions offer hosting services for an annual fee of $50.00 – $150.00+, and we will keep you updated with your payment due date.


Block packages are various projects essential to mastering your website from start to finish and maintaining it afterward. Customers should take careful consideration as to what client type they identify with: wanting to learn step-by-step how to make a website, wanting to learn only how to work main functions to manage content, or wanting Flawless Solutions to take sole responsibility, presenting the end website result which can be updated and managed by the company. (Please note that there is a minimum purchase requirement of 4 project blocks.)


Each client will receive a Project Proposal Form which contains information regarding the project(s). A break down of each block assigned, what steps will be taken, and a date as to when it is estimated for completion is all organized in a table manner. This convenient form keeps our clients well informed of their project’s progress. The form is available online, which enables us to make changes and updates way easier than it would be if the process was given to clients on a hard-copy sheet. You are able to see these updates and changes immediately with real-time reporting, so you’re never behind!


Block packages are different steps we take to complete your project.


Layout Creation

Content Creation

Audio & Video Pages

Business Cards

Page Creation

Blog Pages

FAQ Pages



Assistance with Domains/Hosting

Logo Creation


Picture Galleries

Google Apps Implementation

Site SEO

Royalty Free Images


This section here shows the process we take to make sure you project task are finished in a timely matter.


Our Current Promotions

Clients that are at the beginning of launching their business may be particularly interested in our current start up packages! Get your website plus marketing material at a discount! Check monthly for discounts!


Our staff will teach you what’s essential to getting your project done. These packages are designed to help you obtain the skills by teaching you in a step-by-step manner. We’ll teach you how to maintain your domain, hosting, managing content, selling on your site, layouts, and more. This process takes time, but we are confident that we can help you manage your own platform.

Training and Development

Does tech talk intimidate you? We are here to assist crossing that bridge when you’re ready. These packages are structured to cater to your specific areas of interest or assistance. We work with you to get the big projects complete by presenting you with only skills you need to know to maintain on a daily basis while we do the hard work. This helps our clients save time and the frustration many sudden issues may bring.


If you don’t have the time or skills to update and edit your own website this is the best option for you. These packages are assigned to our team of programmers, developers, and publishers. Your responsibility is simply providing content (high-quality pictures, bio, etc.) while we do the rest. We will help you develop the website itself, and content assistance as well, such as writing, media, and so forth.

Need Google Gmail and other Google systems, added to your domain???



Google Apps for Work

A great website is only the beginning! Have you considered communication systems? Have you thought about the best means of organizing records, bills, sells, employees, time, etc.? Google Apps for Work is geared towards smooth solutions for the day-to-day duties of building a brand, business or organization. Flawless Solutions is here to help you implement these applications.

Google Solution Rates

The real question is, how much will it cost to add this value to my platform? The monthly cost is minimal and handled by Google. It will be just a one-time system fee and any other additional support fees for customizing Google Apps systems to your company.

How an email service developed by Google can add value?

With this Google App solution, your entire organization will be unified with a standard email address ending (after the @ symbol). This creates a level of professionalism, that will also build trust with clients, business partners, investors to take your business more seriously. Googles sharable Calendars will notify everyone in the organization on event changes, work hours, and daily tasks. You are also equipped with messaging services to relay your information in a safe and quick manner. Google drive provides one of the best cloud-based file storage systems that can help you organize media, spreadsheets, word documents and much more.

Pay as you go!
With our PROJECT BLOCK solutions.

This solution provides an easy way to pay for services. When it comes to our website solutions this is the best way to invest in your business. With this platform, your business can add value as it grows, by only spending money on the services it needs.

Need Technology for your business?
Enjoy our Featured Technology solutions.

This solution was created for the business entrepreneurs that are looking to save money or invest into their brand(s). We have teamed up with OEM's and technology companies, to provide high-end hardware for reasonable prices. Our solutions have you covered form low budget to a high budget with warranties and quick shipping.
Review our offerings today and save.

Did you know?
We buy used Technology!

Our resell solutions maybe an option.

This solution is a simple way to sell your old Mobile Devices, Laptops, Desktops, and other technology. Once our Resell department reviews the pictures and other information about the product(s), you will receive an email with an offer.
Contact Us for more information.


Information about what type of feedback we are looking for.

What are block packages?
Block packages are various assignments that we complete, which are essential to completing your overall project!
Are block packages refundable?
Block packages are not refundable, however they do not expire. We will always fill in, revise, or further develop a project given the block hours are there.
How long does it take to build a website?
Each client is different, with different business needs and wants. While we aren’t able to provide such a generalized answer, our clients are equipped with a document that allows them to follow each step of their project that is completed. This allows us to give projected completion dates.
Can you help me with a website someone else created for me?
If you have the adequate information, including all access information and a prior approval after being reviewed by a Flawless Solution Developer.
Do I own my website or will Flawless Solutions?
No worries! You will own your website 100%!
Is my hosting fee refundable?
Hosting fees are not refundable due to the fact that it is paid to a separate hosting company.
Will my website work on mobile devices?
Yes! All of our websites are  mobile device compatible!
Can I sell products on my website?
Yes! We have packages with e-commerce options specifically designed for distributing products! Contact us to learn more about our e-commerce packages.
Will I know how to maintain my website after it’s complete?
If you opt in for training packages, you will be taught the key elements to maintaining your sight! If you ever get stuck, we are always willing to help.

For Your Technology Consulting Solutions

Flawless Solutions is your new go-to for technology and technical consulting. Our purpose is to bridge the gap between technology and it’s maintenance and configurations. From products to websites to remote support, we have had you covered for any and all of your technological needs.

Technology Products

Our product line up features new and refurbished technology ranging from computers to cables and accessories. We encourage you to browse with us, considering we also provide you with support and maintenance versus just a product.

Technology Services

We specialize in three areas: Web development, marketing material, and technical support. Some clients use these services individually while other combine services to meet high demands. With so many options to choose from, we're sure to have business solutions for you.

Our Technology History

CEO/FOUNDER Jasen Crockett started as an IT at the age of 16. Under the establishment of his mother, a business consultant, real estate agent, mortgage broker and, accountant, he began "Flawless Solutions". The company was started as a means to develop efficient computer systems and software for maintaining the enormous amount of technical/background tasks that help organizations operate. In 20+ years of coding, web development, and business consulting, "Flawless Solutions" has been involved in an assortment of organizations including police stations, vehicle dealerships, event promoters, cleaning companies, and many other entrepreneurial ventures. The company was designed to work seamlessly with large corporations, non-profits and even entrepreneurs who don't know where to start.

Contact Us

Flawless Solutions typically is one of the most affordable options when it comes to website development, marketing material, and technical support. Let us assist you in finding your perfect solution for your business or organization today! Please visit our Contact Us page for contact information.